Conviction Records

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Conviction Records

Conviction Records

Conviction records can put a damper on many life situations and scenarios, whether you're trying to purchase a house, applying for a job, making new friends, or just simply trying to start over in life. We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes can lead to a conviction. Although conviction records are made public in most cases, it doesn't mean you won't be given a second chance to better your life.

If you've been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or any other incident, you might want to give your conviction records a view at some point. Since this information can show up on a criminal background check or your public record, you'll want to confirm that the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Likewise, conviction records can be used to dig up details about your friends, family, and the people we interact with on social media daily. Most people are likely to keep conviction records to themselves, leaving you blinded about their past. Although conviction records won't always indicate a bad person, it's still nice to know these things for safety reasons.

Before you start sifting through someone's conviction records, you should make sure you know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony -- both of which will be included in your report.

What is a Felony?

A felony is classified into five different categories based on the length of incarceration handed to the defendant. These five felony classes are used federally since the penalties for specific crimes can vary in each state.

Here are the five classes:

  1. Class A - imprisonment for life or death penalty
  2. Class B - 25+ years of imprisonment
  3. Class C - 10-25 years of imprisonment
  4. Class D - 5-10 years of imprisonment
  5. Class E - 1-5 years of imprisonment

Felonies are considered the most serious crimes an individual can be convicted of. They can include murder, rape, burglary, and selling drugs. A felony will show up on your conviction records for life and can be expunged from your record, but that process is highly unlikely to succeed.

If you’ve been convicted of a felony and are asked on your employment or lending application whether you’ve been convicted of a crime or not, you should always answer yes. The felony will likely show up on any criminal background check ran on you. Being honest from the get-go will give you an opportunity to explain the situation.

What is a Misdemeanor?

Not all convictions will lead to a felony. Since most felonies will lead to more than a year of imprisonment, that leaves misdemeanors for the lesser crimes committed. Most criminal cases are likely to end with a misdemeanor or infraction , especially since they cover such a broad range of crimes.

Like felonies, misdemeanors are categorized into classes, though there are only 3 with misdemeanors:

  1. Class A - imprisonment of 6 months to 12 months
  2. Class B - imprisonment of 30 days to 6 months
  3. Class C - imprisonment of 5 days to 30 days
  4. Infraction - imprisonment of up to 5 days

Much like a felony, misdemeanors will show up on your conviction records for life -- though they can be taken off criminal background checks between 7-10 years after conviction. Although they are less-serious crimes, having a misdemeanor on your conviction records can cause stress in your life.

What About Arrest History?

Not all arrests will lead to a conviction, whether it be a felony, misdemeanor, or infraction. Sometimes people get arrested and let off with a warning, while other times the police might have the wrong guy completely. Much like we make mistakes, police officers can make mistakes, too.

Although your arrest history won’t always show up in a criminal background check, it’s possible for people to view your arrest history in your public conviction records. These records will search through federal, state, city, county, and local databases to uncover all the information possible on the person being searched.

People will be able to see your full name, the charge or offense, the date of arrest, the source of the records, as well as the outcome -- conviction or not.

Can People View My Judgment History?

In addition to arrest and conviction records, anyone can hop on a computer to take a look at your judgment and lawsuit records. Whether you were involved in a personal injury case, a traffic violation, been evicted from your home, or had a property/tax lien placed on your property, this information is available online.

Judgment records can contain your full name, the address that was involved, the name and address of the court, the filing types, court case number, total judgment amount, date recorded, lien amount, tax lien serial number, and much more.

How to Find Conviction Records

Sure, people can easily access all of this information about you, but you don’t have to live in fear of not knowing what they can see. You can conduct a conviction records search on yourself from the comfort of your own home.

Instead of taking the traditional route and sifting through thousands of online databases to get the information from every county, state and federal court, you can save time by using the resources available right here on our Public Records Reviews website. We make the process extremely easy with little information needed to get started.

Better yet, all of your records will show up in one, easy-to-read report in just minutes! If you’re wondering how to get started, don’t worry -- that’s easy too!

When navigating through our website, you’ll notice the search engine located practically everywhere. Head over to the search engine and type in the first and last name of the person you’d like to search for. If you don’t know their full last name, the first initial will be sufficient to get started.

If you’d like to make your search a bit more accurate and quick, you can enter a city and state that they were last known to be located in. This information will help, but isn’t required for your search.

When ready, click the ‘Search’ button and sift through the many matches available. Find the right person, since many will have the same name, and open up their report. You’re good to go!

Top Public Records Sites

Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.

Our Rating
Detailed Review

TruthFinder offers comprehensive public records, easy-to-understand reports, and tools to help you protect your personal information from identity thieves.

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  • Reports bursting with public records
  • Some reports contain sensitive public record information
  • Dark web monitoring included

PeopleSearcher was our second pick as it provides the widest array of public records.

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  • Report Monitoring
  • Person search
  • Phone number search
  • Property search
  • Email search
  • Username search
  • Dark Web Scan
  • Unclaimed Money Search

Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.

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  • Reports on almost every adult in the United States
  • Multiple ways to find records
  • Included dark web monitoring feature