Driving Records

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Driving Records

Driving Records

Driving records are filed and maintained by the federal, state, city, county, and other local courts that are involved in the process. Contrary to popular belief, your driving records are more public than you think and can be found by anyone willing to request them. This might make you think twice -- if you weren’t already -- about violating driving laws, rules, and regulations.

Your driving records are likely viewed by the police anytime you’re pulled over so they can view your driving history, while insurance companies might use your driving records to give an indication of how responsible you are as a driver. Obviously, special granted access would be needed in order for these people to view your record -- but that doesn’t mean your friends and family can’t search for them.

We all have that friend that won’t stop bragging about their driving skills and how they’ve never gotten a ticket, citation, or infraction while driving -- maybe you’re that friend. There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as they have the evidence to back it up. Most people think that evidence would be tough to find, but you can keep your friends and family honest when they brag about driving records.

This can become useful when you have someone borrowing your vehicle frequently, allowing you to get a good glimpse at how safe they are while driving. Driving records will contain a variety of different citations and can even list their vehicle history.

What Will Driving Records Showcase?

We are curious people and there will come times when we need to feed that curiosity -- there’s nothing wrong with that. The court systems can make this an easy, seamless, and interesting process for anyone willing to look.

Maybe you’re going on a camping trip and you’re carpooling with friends, it could be a good idea to look up their driving records to make sure they can be trusted during long drives. Or maybe you just want to see how good your dad is at driving. Whatever the reason, driving records can give you the juicy details of their driving history.

Driving records will list out any tickets, citations, and judgments that person was given. Not only will it display the charge or offense, but it can also give the date it was filed, the source of the data, whether it resulted in an arrest or conviction, the court’s information, and even the case number.

Driving records can also include the vehicles owned by that person, whether they be current or past vehicles. It’ll give the make, model, vehicle identification number, and the registration address. If your new date claims to drive a ferrari, his driving records should state that. If the driving records show a Honda Accord, you might want to confront your date about that.

Who Can View My Driving Records?

The bad news is that anyone can have the opportunity to view your driving records online or by going to the actual courts. The good news is there are laws and regulations in place that protect the individual from being discriminated against in certain situations, especially with criminal background checks.

Either way, you can always conduct a driving records search on yourself to see exactly what everyone else can see. Driving records are meant to be public so the courts can operate with transparency -- except in the most severe cases.

If you want to view your driving records, or someone else’s, you can do so right on your computer. You should be aware that some websites will end up pulling a variety of public records, not just driving records. This can include information you’re not prepared to see and can uncover shocking news about people you thought you knew well.

Arrest Records

When searching for someone’s driving records, you might stumble across their arrest history. It doesn’t matter if the arrest was a result of their driving records or something completely unrelated to their driving records, there’s a chance that they’re displayed in public records.

Although not all driving records will result in an arrest, some simple traffic citations can escalate into an arrest. If you’re viewing someone’s driving record, a look at their arrest history can give you even more information about their character on and off the road.

Conviction Records

Whether you’re searching for someone’s driving records or arrest records, you will likely want to know whether they were convicted of the crimes they were accused of. Convictions can include a misdemeanor, felony, infraction, community service, fine, imprisonment, or probation.

Conviction records will even tell you if they were eventually found not guilty of the crime, for whatever reason stated. Sometimes not enough evidence is present, the defendant wins the dispute, or the police just simply had it wrong from the beginning.

How to Find Driving Records

If you thought police officers and those with access to a criminal background check were the only people allowed to view your driving records, then you’ve been wrong. Driving records are almost always included in public record searches online, as well as the various court databases around the web.

If you want to view your own driving records, check your family’s driving records, or want to check out what kind of vehicle your social media encounter really drives, you can find all of this out just by knowing their first and last name. Even if you don’t know their full last name, you can enter their first initial and still start an effective search.

When you’re ready to get started, locate the search engine on our Public Records Reviews website and have their name handy. Once you type the first and last name into the respective boxes, you can enhance your search by entering their last known location -- though this won’t be required to get your search started.

Now you’re ready to click the ‘Search’ button! What you’ll find is a list of possible matches to the name entered. There can be any of the same or similar names, so make sure you practice due diligence when searching for the right person. You will then be prompted to open their report.

You might find more than their driving records, including their date of birth, address history, phone records, assets, public history, court rulings, and even their social media profiles. Well, what are you waiting for?

Top Public Records Sites

Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.

Our Rating
Detailed Review

TruthFinder offers comprehensive public records, easy-to-understand reports, and tools to help you protect your personal information from identity thieves.

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  • Reports bursting with public records
  • Some reports contain sensitive public record information
  • Dark web monitoring included

PeopleSearcher was our second pick as it provides the widest array of public records.

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  • Report Monitoring
  • Person search
  • Phone number search
  • Property search
  • Email search
  • Username search
  • Dark Web Scan
  • Unclaimed Money Search

Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.

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  • Reports on almost every adult in the United States
  • Multiple ways to find records
  • Included dark web monitoring feature