Kerrick, Illinois Records

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Kerrick, Illinois Records

Kerrick Records are available instantly. Just enter the name of the person that you would like to search. You will then be able to view all Kerrick Records that pertain to that person. Kerrick Records are public records which are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and can be viewed instantly online. In addition, the Kerrick Records include the person's arrests, addresses, phone numbers, current and past locations, tickets/citations, liens, foreclosures, felonies, misdemeanors, judgments, date of birth, aliases, email addresses, work history, hidden phone numbers and social media accounts. Start your search for Kerrick Records now!

Introduction to Kerrick, Illinois

Located in Douglas County, Kerrick Public Records pertain to the small village of Kerrick, Illinois. With a population of just over 200 residents, Kerrick is a tight-knit community that values its history and the preservation of its public records. Situated in the east-central part of the state, Kerrick is approximately 150 miles south of Chicago and 50 miles east of the state capital, Springfield. The village is surrounded by picturesque farmland and offers a peaceful, rural lifestyle for its residents.

Despite its small size, Kerrick is home to several local businesses, a post office, and a volunteer fire department. The village is served by the Arthur-Lovington-Atwood-Hammond (ALAH) School District, which provides education for students from kindergarten through high school. The nearby city of Tuscola offers additional amenities, such as shopping, dining, and healthcare facilities. As a small community, Kerrick places great importance on maintaining accurate and accessible Kerrick Public Records for its residents and those interested in learning more about the village's history.

Overview of Kerrick Public Records

Kerrick Public Records encompass a wide range of documents and information related to the village and its residents. These records include vital records, such as birth, death, and marriage certificates; property records, including deeds and tax information; and criminal records, such as arrest reports and court documents. Additionally, Kerrick Public Records include information on local government meetings, ordinances, and elections.

Public records are essential for various reasons, including preserving the history of the community, ensuring transparency in local government, and providing residents with access to important information. In Kerrick, public records are maintained by various local government offices and agencies, each responsible for specific types of records. The following sections provide an overview of the primary sources for accessing Kerrick Public Records.

Douglas County Clerk and Recorder's Office

The Douglas County Clerk and Recorder's Office is responsible for maintaining many of the vital records and official documents related to Kerrick and its residents. This office is located in the Douglas County Courthouse in Tuscola, Illinois. The contact information for the Douglas County Clerk and Recorder's Office is as follows:

Douglas County Clerk and Recorder's Office
401 S. Center St.
Tuscola, IL 61953
Phone: (217) 253-2411

At the Douglas County Clerk and Recorder's Office, you can access Kerrick Public Records such as birth, death, and marriage certificates, as well as property records and tax information. Additionally, this office is responsible for maintaining records related to local elections, including voter registration and election results.

Douglas County Circuit Clerk's Office

The Douglas County Circuit Clerk's Office is responsible for maintaining records related to the local court system, including criminal and civil cases. This office is also located in the Douglas County Courthouse in Tuscola, Illinois. The contact information for the Douglas County Circuit Clerk's Office is as follows:

Douglas County Circuit Clerk's Office
401 S. Center St.
Tuscola, IL 61953
Phone: (217) 253-2352

By contacting the Douglas County Circuit Clerk's Office, you can access Kerrick Public Records related to criminal and civil court cases, including arrest reports, court documents, and case information. This office also provides information on obtaining copies of court records and the fees associated with these requests.

Kerrick Township Assessor's Office

The Kerrick Township Assessor's Office is responsible for maintaining property records and assessing property values within the village of Kerrick. This office is located in nearby Arthur, Illinois. The contact information for the Kerrick Township Assessor's Office is as follows:

Kerrick Township Assessor's Office
P.O. Box 647
Arthur, IL 61911
Phone: (217) 543-2109

By contacting the Kerrick Township Assessor's Office, you can access Kerrick Public Records related to property assessments, property tax information, and property ownership records. This office can also provide information on appealing property assessments and applying for property tax exemptions.

Illinois State Archives

For historical Kerrick Public Records and information on the village's history, the Illinois State Archives is an invaluable resource. The State Archives is located in Springfield, Illinois, and maintains a vast collection of documents and records related to the history of Illinois and its communities. The contact information for the Illinois State Archives is as follows:

Illinois State Archives
Margaret Cross Norton Building
Capitol Complex
Springfield, IL 62756
Phone: (217) 782-4682

By visiting or contacting the Illinois State Archives, you can access historical Kerrick Public Records, such as census records, land records, and local government documents. The State Archives also provides research assistance and guidance for those interested in learning more about the history of Kerrick and its residents.


In conclusion, Kerrick Public Records are essential for preserving the history of the village, ensuring transparency in local government, and providing residents with access to important information. By contacting the various local government offices and agencies listed above, you can access a wide range of public records related to Kerrick, Illinois. Whether you are researching your family history, seeking information on property ownership, or looking for court records, these resources can help you find the information you need.

Top Public Records Sites

Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.

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  • Reports on almost every adult in the United States
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  • Included dark web monitoring feature