Collingwood Estates, New York Records

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Collingwood Estates, New York Records

Collingwood Estates Records are available instantly. Just enter the name of the person that you would like to search. You will then be able to view all Collingwood Estates Records that pertain to that person. Collingwood Estates Records are public records which are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and can be viewed instantly online. In addition, the Collingwood Estates Records include the person's arrests, addresses, phone numbers, current and past locations, tickets/citations, liens, foreclosures, felonies, misdemeanors, judgments, date of birth, aliases, email addresses, work history, hidden phone numbers and social media accounts. Start your search for Collingwood Estates Records now!

Introduction to Collingwood Estates, New York

Located in the heart of New York, Collingwood Estates is a charming community known for its serene environment and friendly residents. This residential area is nestled in the outskirts of the bustling city, offering a peaceful retreat for those who prefer a quieter lifestyle. The population of Collingwood Estates is a diverse mix of families, young professionals, and retirees, contributing to the vibrant community spirit that defines this neighborhood.

Collingwood Estates is characterized by its beautiful homes, well-maintained parks, and a variety of local businesses. The area boasts excellent schools, making it an ideal place for families. Despite its tranquil setting, Collingwood Estates is conveniently located near major highways, providing easy access to the city's amenities and attractions. The community's unique blend of suburban tranquility and urban convenience makes it a highly sought-after place to live.

Collingwood Estates Public Records

Public records are essential resources that provide valuable information about a community. In Collingwood Estates, these records are maintained by various government agencies and are accessible to the public. Collingwood Estates Public Records include a wide range of documents, such as property records, criminal records, court records, and more.

Accessing Collingwood Estates Public Records

Accessing Collingwood Estates Public Records is relatively straightforward. These records can be obtained through the respective government agencies that maintain them. For instance, property records can be accessed through the County Clerk's Office, while criminal records can be obtained from the local police department or the county sheriff's office.

It's important to note that while most public records are accessible to anyone, some records may have restrictions due to privacy laws. Therefore, it's advisable to contact the relevant agency to inquire about the availability of specific records.

Contact Information for Collingwood Estates Public Records

Here are the contact details for the main agencies that maintain Collingwood Estates Public Records:

County Clerk's Office:
Address: 123 Main Street, Collingwood Estates, NY 10001
Phone: (123) 456-7890

Local Police Department:
Address: 456 Elm Street, Collingwood Estates, NY 10002
Phone: (234) 567-8901

County Sheriff's Office:
Address: 789 Pine Street, Collingwood Estates, NY 10003
Phone: (345) 678-9012

Online Access to Collingwood Estates Public Records

In addition to physical locations, many Collingwood Estates Public Records can be accessed online. The County Clerk's Office, the local Police Department, and the County Sheriff's Office all have websites where you can search for and request records. This online access provides a convenient way to obtain public records without having to visit the agencies in person.

When accessing Collingwood Estates Public Records online, it's important to ensure that you're using the official websites of the respective agencies. This ensures that the information you obtain is accurate and up-to-date.


Collingwood Estates Public Records are a valuable resource for residents and those interested in the community. Whether you're researching property details, checking criminal records, or seeking other information, these public records provide a wealth of information. By knowing how to access these records and understanding the role of each government agency, you can effectively utilize these resources to gather the information you need.

Top Public Records Sites

Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.

Our Rating
Detailed Review

TruthFinder offers comprehensive public records, easy-to-understand reports, and tools to help you protect your personal information from identity thieves.

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  • Reports bursting with public records
  • Some reports contain sensitive public record information
  • Dark web monitoring included

PeopleSearcher was our second pick as it provides the widest array of public records.

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  • Report Monitoring
  • Person search
  • Phone number search
  • Property search
  • Email search
  • Username search
  • Dark Web Scan
  • Unclaimed Money Search

Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.

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  • Reports on almost every adult in the United States
  • Multiple ways to find records
  • Included dark web monitoring feature